Jintropin 10


Active substance: Human Growth Hormone A country: China



Jintropin 10 to 10 IU (Jintropin)

Jintropin is a drug that has surpassed the most powerful anabolics with its properties. Its effectiveness rolls over all sorts of results. It is a growth hormone that is naturally produced in the human body. It not only gains muscle mass well, but also has a positive effect on all physical indicators of the body as a whole.

The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot perform more than it is allowed. This drug denies this fact. His actions actively work to achieve the maximum result, despite human abilities and limitations.

The effectiveness of the drug

Athletes from all over the world praise this drug among the rest due to the stunning result. In modern sports pharmacology, he is a leader in benefits and reviews.

Special properties of Jintropin:

  • physical activity is an irritant that makes the drug work and get a good effect,
  • increase in protein synthesis for muscle gain (anabolic effect),
  • an increase in appetite and calories are converted into energy that the body uses with benefit (fat-burning effect),
  • strengthening of the bone apparatus, ligaments, cartilage and tendons (reduction in injury rates),
  • increase in strength indicators,
  • increase the immunity of the body as a whole,
  • increase in the efficiency factor,
  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • increased libido.

The course of taking the drug Jintropin

The dosage and period of taking the drug depends on the type of sport, its loads and direction of action.

For athletes, the course is about 8 IU per day.For the maximum result of the anabolic effect, the recommended dose is 12-16 IU per day for 3-6 months. It is necessary to take a break equal to the duration of the course of taking the drug.

On our website, you can not only order the drug, but also make up a dosage and period of taking Jintropin that is special only for you. We will help you choose the course that is optimal for your body, health and maximum effect.


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