Rastan 1 amp/4 MO




Rastan 1 amp/4 MO

Rastan, produced by Biofrma, is a somatropic growth hormone that acts on metabolic processes, skeletal growth, muscle mass gain and somatic growth. It is widely used in medicine for children with reduced growth hormone, with its deficiency and chronic renal failure. For adults who tolerate growth hormone deficiency, Rastan is also prescribed.

The effectiveness of the drug

Well proven in action for athletes. Key Features of Rastan:

  • increases strength,
  • increases endurance,
  • has an anti-catabolic effect,
  • safe for the body
  • natural composition,
  • fat burning effect
  • set of muscle mass,
  • relief.

Taking Rastan

The course is injections 1 time per day or every two days. It is this dose that is perfectly reflected in the performance. The duration of taking the drug is about 3 months, but not less. According to the reviews of athletes who use Rastan in their practice, it is better to calculate the dosage individually with the trainer, taking into account the results you want to achieve.

Our specialists can also help calculate the course of admission, taking into account your wishes, the type of sports activity and the desired effect.

Rastan has no contraindications in consultation with specialists, proper intake and a healthy body. It is accepted by both men and women.


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