Hygetropin 10


A country: China



Hygetropin 10 to 10 IU (Hygetropin)

Hygetropin is a hormone produced by the human body. This is a recombinant drug that has established itself as a quality product: it consists of the purest and highest quality materials. Hygetropin has a license, quality assurance certificates, and an international patent.

Widespread use is applied among bodybuilders. The drug has the following advantages:

  • set of muscle mass,
  • strengthening and growth of the skeletal system,
  • tendon strengthening,
  • promotes rapid recovery
  • burns body fat
  • increases sexual activity
  • fills the muscles and the body as a whole with amino acids,
  • has antibacterial property.

It should also be noted that Hygetropin retains trace elements in the body to balance electrolytes. Athletes of different categories use this drug for their training and improve the effect without harm to the body.

How to take Hygetropin

The drug is taken both separately and in combination with others. To achieve the most effective result, it is recommended to combine with such drugs: Sustanon, Testosterone Enanthate.

The standard dosage is 10-15 units of Hygetropin per day + 250 mg of Sustanon or Testosterone Enanthate per week.

Dosages may vary depending on the individual characteristics of athletes. According to the reviews of those who used the drug on themselves, we can conclude that it is completely safe for health and quite effective.

If you want to buy Hygetropin, please contact us. Our company has established itself as a reliable partner. Qualified workers will help to decide on all questions and draw up a course of taking the drug individually for each. The lowest prices of our products will leave you satisfied.


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