Stanoject (SP laboratory)


Active substance: Stanozolol Package: 10ml 50mg/ml Manufacturer: SP laboratories A country: Moldova



Stanojekt 10ml

Sp Winstrol a steroid with a strong anabolic effect. Great for athletes involved in light and weightlifting. Produced in a package of 10 ml. The active ingredient of stanozolol is 50 mg/ml. Producer SP laboratory (Moldova).

The action of the drug begins a few hours after the first dose. This drug has the following features:

  • increases appetite,
  • suitable for drying
  • increases strength,
  • gives endurance,
  • makes muscles stiff
  • burns fat
  • expels liquid.

Stanazolol is 3 times more than testosterone produces anabolics, in turn, androgens are reduced by 3 times. In medicine, it is used for post-operative recovery, people suffering from anemia, post-traumatic periods and burns. In sports, it is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes. Stanover is great for creating relief, gaining muscle mass, and getting elasticity. A special positive quality is the absence of side effects and non-aromatization.

Stanozhekt (SP laboratory) famous for the positive feedback from our customers. During the course, athletes gain about 10 kg of muscles, high-quality, hard relief. The ideal result can be obtained by combining hard training and special nutrition. This is undoubtedly one of the safest drugs. In addition, an affordable price for a striking effect.

Stanojekt stimulates processes in the body, acting on anabolic processes. The effectiveness of the drug is clearly high.

Taking Stanojecta

The drug can be used at different periods of preparation of your body. It is used both in the off-season and immediately before tournaments. It is perfect for both beginners in this field and professionals. The basis of injections is water, so you need to prick it often. It does not contain toxins and is safe. The classic dosage is 50 mg every day or every other day. Women who are professionally involved in sports are recommended to take no more than 5 mg per day. A lower dose of 50 mg 2 times a week is also possible. The course lasts 6-9 weeks, taking into account proper nutrition and regular training.

Effective results can be achieved by combining the drug with others: Anabol, Turinabol, Testosterone. For beginners, Nandrolone and Primabolone are well suited in combination with Winstrol. Such combinations are harmless and effective for increasing muscle mass.

Positive customer feedback

Athletes often praise Winstrol for the fastest drying and relief results. The advantage is a high anabolic ratio and the possibility of a wide combination with other drugs. Suitable for both men and women. The increase in muscle relief remains after the end of the course.

Our consultants will provide answers and recommendations individually for you. We work only with proven and reliable suppliers. Our preparations confirm the guarantee of quality and 100% originality. Winstrol buy at an affordable and the lowest price you can in our store or by leaving a request on the site.

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