Turinanabol Radjay


Active substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosteronum Package: 12 mg. 100 tab. Manufacturer: Radjay Healthcare A country: India



Turinanabol buy

Turinanabol. Turinanabol is an anabolic steroid. It is one of the safest to take, therefore it is recommended for novice athletes to conduct a monocourse.

How athletes take the drug. The optimal recommended amount of turinanabol is 20 to 40 mg per day, this dose will avoid undesirable consequences and effects. Some experienced athletes still take up to 150 mg per day, taking on such negative effects as:

  • erectile dysfunction,
  • violation of the liver,
  • disorders in endocrinology,
  • prostatic hypertrophy.

If the drug lasts no more than 8 weeks, there is no need to use gonadotropin. Post cycle therapy should certainly include estrogen receptor blockers. If a young athlete is new to steroids, he should buy turinanabol, start with a dose of 40 mg and go through a six-week cycle. After completing the course, he will receive very impressive and obvious results, including both an increase in strength and an increase in muscles.

In order for muscle mass gain to be reliable, high-quality and effective, it is recommended to buy turinanabol and take it together with testosterone enanthate in such doses: turinanabol 20 mg per day, testosterone enanthate 250 mg per week. This cycle should be carried out for six weeks, canceling first the enanthate and then the anabolic steroid.

Athletes who do not have the goal of increasing muscle, but only want to increase endurance, are recommended to take the drug in small doses, up to 20 mg per day.

When conducting a course of steroids, one should not forget about a high-calorie diet, including proteins and creatine, as well as about intense exercise. The necessary supplements can be recommended by fitness instructors.

Surveys conducted among athletes who took the drug showed that 89% were satisfied with the quality of muscle mass, 86% with the insignificance of the rollback phenomenon, 82% with the availability of the drug, and 88% with efficiency.

In our online store you can choose sports nutrition, dietary supplements, as well as pharmacological preparations. All products come from well-known manufacturers and have certificates of conformity and quality. Turinanabol is profitable to buy from us, because we offer all products directly, without intermediaries.


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