Trainer 200


Package: 10 ml 200 mg Manufacturer: Vermodje S.R.L. A country: Moldova



Anabolic index: 400 %

Androgenic index: 200 %

Aromatization: No

Water retention: No

Hepatotoxicity: No

Suppression of HPTA: high

Doping test detection: up to nine weeks

Trainaver E is a high-quality development of the well-known pharmacological company Vermoge. The derivative is the active ingredient of trenbolone in a fat-soluble enanthate ester bond. Enanthate is an oil-based ester that allows the active substance trenbolone to settle in the body's fat cells, and during the course to be extracted from them in a certain amount, thereby enabling Trenbolone to be active and act for a long time. The trainer enanthate itself, which you can buy on our website, is an anabolic steroid with super high androgenic / anabolic levels. Trenbolone Enanthate is widely used in bodybuilding and other strength sports in order to build "clean" muscle mass, build beautiful muscles and develop strength and endurance. Having many positive qualities, the drug is quite popular and expensive.

Steroid Profile of Trenbolone

The drug is also known as Parabolan. It is able to bind to andro-receptors 4-5 times stronger than testosterone. Thus, when taking the trainer, there is an expressive anabolic activity. The tool is one of the most effective in gaining muscle mass and developing strength qualities.But it is important to understand that along with positive effects, the risk of developing negative side effects increases, and even more so with improperly selected dosages and modulation of the course.

Effect and action

  • able to increase the athlete's muscle mass by 10 kg, even with a low-carbohydrate diet,
  • increases strength and muscle power,
  • increases sexual desire and libido only during the course, after the course, the opposite is observed,
  • increases IRF levels by 200%,
  • perfectly burns fat, thanks to personal quality and, as a result, increased secretion of GH,
  • is a good anti-catabolic, due to the ability to reduce cortisol levels.

How to take, course and dosage

Before you buy an enanthate trainer, study this section in order to have basic knowledge about the correct and safe preparation of the course.

As you know, Trenbolone is quite a powerful drug, and the more powerful the steroid, the greater the frequency of side effects. Because of this, you need to be very careful when using this steroid.

Below are the rules and recommendations for compiling a course of Trenbolone Enanthate.

  • The optimal dose for beginners and intermediate athletes is 300 mg per week, it is strictly not recommended to exceed it!
  • Start the course with a small dose, thereby you will check the body's tolerance to the substance and prevent the possibility of negative consequences.
  • Without the use of gonadotropin, you should not take Trenbolone for more than 5-6 weeks.
  • Trenbolone Enanthate stays in the blood for a long time after the last injection, so PCT should be started from the third week after the end of the course.
  • Be sure to take Gonadotropin during the cycle to restore endogenous testosterone production.
  • It is recommended to take complex sports nutrition like protein, gainer, creatine and a complex of vitamins. It is important to follow the right diet in order to gain muscle mass.
  • If possible, combine the cycle with Testosterone in small doses to help maintain the balance of physiological testosterone levels.
  • What is the best combination?

    In order to gain mass, the trenbolone solo cycle does an excellent job with this task. But for cutting, it is recommended to take trenbolone in combination with Winstrol or Anavar, Equipoise also works well in conjunction with Trenaver, showing better results.

    Side effects

    Quite often, when using this steroid, androgenic side effects occur, such as: acne, oily skin, increased aggression, insomnia, high blood pressure, baldness, and vice versa, hairiness of some parts of the body.

    Trenbolone strongly suppresses the production of endogenous testosterone, which at the end of the course leads to the loss of gained mass and atrophy of the testicles, a decrease in libido and sexual desire. In this regard, it will be important to take Gonadotropin and Clomid.

    There are reviews on the enanthate trainer in which athletes note that the rollback phenomenon also reduces the intake after the course of Tribulus.


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