

Package: price for 20 tabs Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals



Oxymetholone (also known under other brand names such as ANAPOLON and ANADROL) is an anabolic steroid that was developed back in 1960 in Mexico. This drug was first released for sale in the same year by Syntex under the name (trademark) Anadrol-50. Initially, the drug was to be used in the treatment of anemia (anemia) and osteoporosis. Also, this remedy was supposed to help malnourished and weakened sick people (to stimulate their muscle growth).

However, over time, many other non-steroidal drugs were developed that were able to cure anemia and osteoporosis no less effectively, and it was for this reason that Anapolon's popularity fell to almost zero, and in 1993, the management of SYNTEX, like other manufacturers, decided to stop release (production) of this drug.

Nevertheless, Anapolon still continued to exist in medicine, because many new studies were conducted, in which it was found that this remedy is effective in the treatment of HIV-infected people.

Anadrol is produced in tablets. The weight of each tablet is 50 mg. This drug is one of the most affordable steroids. However, it should be noted that an important point is that this remedy is also capable of causing significant side effects (by and large, the latter is typical for any anabolic steroid and this is hardly surprising to anyone).

Steroid profile of the drug

  • Androgenic activity is 45 percent of testosterone,
  • The anabolic effect is 320 percent of testosterone,
  • There is no conversion to estrogens (aromatase), but the drug has an estrogenic effect,
  • Liver toxicity (Hepatoxicity) is elevated,
  • The duration of the drug is 15 hours,
  • The drug is taken orally (tablets),
  • The time during which the drug can be detected is no more than 8 weeks.

Effects of using Anadrol

  • An increase in muscle mass (moreover, an extremely significant increase, Anapolon is considered to be one of the most effective AS in bodybuilding, because in just 1 course of a solo drug you can easily add up to 15 kg, but after that there will be a significant rollback and about 30 percent will merge).
  • A significant increase in strength indicators (already from the 2nd week of the course, you can feel the heroic strength).
  • Elimination of pain in the joints, improvement of their functions (there are two reasons for this, the first is due to water retention in the body, the second is due to the large production of synovial fluid in the body).
  • The drug reduces sex hormone-binding globulin, which, in turn, produces the effect of other anabolic hormones much more pronounced.

Possible side effects from use

  • Anadrol is extremely toxic to the liver. To put it more precisely, clinical studies were conducted, the duration of which was 30 weeks. During the study, the subjects were given the drug, the dosage of which was 50 mg per day, and as a result, frequent side effects on the liver were revealed.
  • The drug often contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as gynecomastia, high blood pressure, severe acne, hair loss, prostate problems, high blood cholesterol, irritability, increased excitability, etc. and it is for this reason that antiestrogens (Nolvadex and Clomid) should be included in the course. In this case, the whole point is that scientists believe that Anadrol is able to bind itself, as well as activate estrogen receptors (which is why no one can be insured). During the course, be sure to use estrogen receptor blockers such as Clomid and Nolvadex.
  • It is extremely rare, but there are still cases (for example, when athletes use large doses) that this steroid can cause slight nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, stomach pain, apathy, drowsiness. By and large, in principle, this is not so scary, but all this affects the general well-being of the athlete.
  • Anapolon, to a much lesser extent than other anabolic steroids, suppresses its own testosterone production.

Course of Anadrol

The duration of the course is from 4 to 6 weeks.

It is not recommended to continue using this drug for more than 6 weeks for 2 reasons:

  • The greatest effect of weight gain can be observed during the first 3 weeks of the course,
  • High probability of liver toxicity (risk of getting health problems increases).
  • The optimal dosage for beginners is 50 mg per day, while the maximum dosage of the drug is no more than 100 mg per day.It is not worth raising over a hundred (because it has long been proven that increasing the dosage does not lead to improved results, but the risk of side effects increases). At the end of the course, you should conduct PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy, namely, you should start using testosterone boosters to restore your own testosterone production.

    Reviews about Anadrol

    This drug, according to training athletes, supplies muscle tissues with oxygen quite well, which in turn increases the endurance and strength characteristics of the athlete's muscles. This drug, as noted by bodybuilders, manifests the so-called pump effect. He, in turn, brings great pleasure. Since it has a very high androgenic effect, a strong regeneration effect occurs. Very often, an athlete wants to continue training more and more. Also, this drug, due to its chemical composition, helps to fix muscle mass. From its use there is a very large set of muscle mass and subsequently it can quickly go away. It also relieves bone pain quite well, increases joint function, and increases the effect of other anabolics.

    Female athletes should not use it, as this substance causes very strong masculinization effects in the body. This manifests itself in a decrease in voice, a strong growth of hair on the body, increased sexual desire, acne and hair loss on the head, as well as psychomotor agitation, leading to deviant behavior of the athlete. That is, this substance is simply extremely strong for a woman's body, so it is not recommended to use it.In addition, this drug is one of those steroids, perhaps the only one that can cause damage to the liver and to such an extent that there is a risk of cancer cells.

    Therefore, when using it, it is absolutely necessary to monitor the condition of the athlete's liver. It is also capable of causing iron deficiency in the blood, therefore, control over such a parameter as blood biochemistry is also needed here. As training athletes point out, it is necessary to take antiestrogens to prevent the effects of water accumulation in the body. Due to this accumulation of fluid, an increase in pressure in the body can be detected, so sometimes it is necessary to use anti-pressure drugs.

    We can say that this drug contributes to the rapid growth of muscle tissue, but at the same time it can cause liver damage, so strict control over the health of the athlete's body is needed.


    Anadrol (oxymetholone, anadrol). Most professional bodybuilders sooner or later decide to take anabolics to increase the effectiveness of their workouts. One popular steroid is anadrol, which first hit the market over fifty years ago. The drug can still be called the most powerful anabolic today.

    Initially, it was used to treat anemia and osteoporosis, stimulate muscle growth, but recently it has been used only by athletes. Athletes also know the drug under the name oxymetholone. It's the same steroid, just with a different name. It is available in the form of tablets, and is by far the most affordable.

    The effectiveness of the drug. Anadrol can be used by all adult athletes who have no contraindications. It is worth noting that taking any medication should be accompanied by a doctor's consultation, and steroids are no exception. It is recommended to undergo a full examination and only after that begin the stimulation of muscle growth. There can be no universal scheme of use; for each athlete, the course and dosage must be individual.

    When taking Anadrol, you should expect:

    • a noticeable increase in muscle mass,
    • improvement of strength indicators,
    • increase muscle elasticity and joint mobility,
    • decrease in globulin levels,
    • activation of synovial fluid production.

    The drug is taken in a course of one to one and a half months with a daily dose of 100 mg. Do not think that taking this drug in a higher dose, you can achieve better results. Violating the regimen, the athlete runs the risk of experiencing unpleasant side effects. Those who are just starting their acquaintance with the drug should not exceed a dosage of 50 mg. It is not difficult to buy Anadrol in Ukraine, you can do it in our store.

    Upon completion of the course, it is recommended to undergo post-cycle therapy for three or four weeks. This is necessary in order for the level of endogenous testosterone to return to normal. It is also worth taking into account that in order to get the maximum effect, you must strictly adhere to the diet.


    The opinion of professional athletes. Experienced athletes consider anadrol one of the best steroid drugs, especially heavyweight weightlifters. If you follow the diet when taking an anabolic, the accumulation of water is small, while muscle growth is fixed at a high level.During training, there is a rush of blood to the muscles, its volume increases significantly.

    An increase in red blood cells leads to maximum oxygen saturation of the muscles, in addition, endurance and performance increase. Even with a large number of approaches, athletes note a surge of strength and energy. The androgenic effect of the drug contributes to a high level of regeneration, that is, it is simply impossible to overtrain in this case.

    The drug is not considered a preparation for competitions, but many athletes use it until the last week. No other steroid is able to maintain the mass at this level during the diet and performance in training. You can buy certified anadrol in our store. The consultants working with us have extensive experience in the use of anabolics and are ready to provide professional advice.

    Without a doubt, oxymetholone is the most effective anabolic on the market today. With proper reception, it will provide an unprecedented result.


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